Early Childhood Educators
& Child Care Workers

Unionize. Join IAM

As a member of the IAM, you will belong to a Union with a proven record for standing up for the issues you face on the job!

Our 400,000+ members work in many sectors; including healthcare and social services, in public, non-profit and private employers. 

We get you what you need, without risking what you already have!

We have achieved tremendous gains for workers- from decent wages, excellent benefits and better working conditions. 

We are a Union committed to helping you get the most out of every day. We try where possible, to create positive relationships with employers, while seeking fair pay, good benefits and recognition for your hard work! 

We're Here for YOU!

In the past few years many child care companies have made record profits, but instead of sharing those profits with the workers who did the work, they kept those profits. Leaving many workers with no pensions, and dismal wages. 

Even Non-profit organizations continue to ignore the needs of the workers, that make the services they provide possible. Instead unreasonable Directors and managers are rewarded for the hard work of their front line workers. 

Contact IAM

Take the next Step for a Better Work Life

This is a confidential form and will not be shared with your employer or any other third parties. 

Why Unionize with IAM?

  • Higher wages than non-unionized ECE & Child Care

  • Retirement Security with the IAM Pension Plan

  • Better, less ecpensive health benefits

  • More paid sick leave you can use when needed

  • Respect and Fair Treatment

Let Us be YOUR advocate. Get representation and support to make a positive change in your workplace. 

We are committed to better workplaces, better communities, and better lives for Early Childhood Educators & Child Care Workers in Ontario.

Justice on the Job and Service to the Community. That’s the motto of the IAM. We’re a union that believes that there’s more to life than just work. 

We advocate for respect, dignity, and fairness in the workplace

We Work to create positive relationships with employers, while seeking fair pay and good benefits through contract negotiations for your hard work.


Speak directly with our organizers by email, phone, or text.

Scott Jackson

Rootisha Rampat Sukhu

Roy Bhansingh


557 Dixon Rd, Unit 102
Toronto, On
M9W 6K1



IAMAW Canada

Unit 310
18 Wynford Drive
Toronto, On

