Congress of Union Retirees of Canada CONVENTION
Please forward this to your retiree organizations and/or retiree activists with your Local Lodge.
As you may be aware, the Congress of Union Retirees of Canada is holding their Thirteenth (13th) Convention this fall, from September 19thto 21st. CURC is a retirees organization of the Canadian Labour Congress, and is certain to have many socially-progressive and like-minded members of affiliated Labour organizations in attendance.
The CURC Convention is being held in Toronto, and I wanted to be sure you had the opportunity to discuss this with your Local Lodge and retirees groups, and to send a delegation if anyone is interested. There is also a great deal of additional information, including the CURC Constitution, on their comprehensive website shown below:
Thank you for your assistance in this regard.
Cheers and Solidarity,
Stan Pickthall
General Vice President