Change in layoff status for Local Lodge 712 IAMAW Members.
From LL712
Agreement between the Machinists’ Union and Bombardier:
Change in layoff status for Local Lodge 712 IAMAW Members.
Montreal April 28th, 2020– Bombardier announced that it will submit its application to the federal government so that they can benefit from Canada’s Emergency Wage Subsidy Program (CEWS) for the period of April 12th to June 6th.
In order to oversee the implementation of the CEWS program for its members, the IAMAW has entered into an agreement with the company.
This agreement, which will apply retroactively (April 12th to June 6th), includes:
- Cancellation of layoff status from April 12th.
- Payment of a salary of $847 per week less the applicable deductions. The calculation of the number of weekly payments will be made from April 12th, 2020.
- Restoration of benefits and pro-rated contributions in the pension plan.
- Application of the concept of volunteering during a recall to work, the same principle as provided for in the collective agreement during a voluntary layoff.
Preventive measures: COVID-19
Last week, representatives of Local Lodge 712 visited Bombardier’s 500 Côte-Vertu and 1800 Marcel-Laurin facilities. These visits demonstrated a marked improvement in the application of the physical distance measures required by Quebec public health, compared to what was in place when activities were halted.
In fact, improvements to these measures can be done in collaboration with the union. This mandate will be the responsibility of the Joint Health and Safety Committee, which will have to take your suggestions on a daily basis in order to continuously improve prevention measures.
“By changing the layoff status for the period April 12th to June 6th, the agreement provides income above the CEWB and benefits all of our members. One of the strengths of this agreement is that it secures the situation of our members who will have to stay at home. Constructive discussions with Bombardier Aviation led to an agreement. We would also like to note the positive involvement of the new president, Éric Martel, who has been in office since April 6th. – Eric Rancourt, District 11 Business Representative
“This serious action on the implementation of measures to combat COVID-19 is a step in the right direction in preparing for a possible return to work. While we believe there is always room for improvement, the measures put in place are effective and show a willingness to improve on Bombardier’s part. – Yvon Paiement, President of Local Lodge 712
“The COVID 19 crisis is exceptional. We must constantly adjust and pay particular attention to each of the announcements made by both levels of government. In this challenging environment, our priority is to ensure the health and safety of all IAMAW members while maintaining maximum benefits and excellent working conditions. The agreement with Bombardier is added to the long list of agreements we have been able to negotiate to help our members deal with this crisis. – David Chartrand, Quebec coordinator of the Machinists’ Union.
The Machinists’ Union (IAMAW) is the world’s largest aerospace union with more than 184,000 members in more than 1,000 collective agreements. Active in Quebec’s aerospace industry since 1940, the IAMAW now represents 65% of unionized workers in the sector. We represent members at Airbus, Bombardier, Rolls-Royce, Stelia, Héroux-Devtek, Safran Landing, L3-MAS, AJ-Walter, Air Canada and Air Transat amongst others.
This article was originally posted on the IAM Canada website. View the original post here: Change in layoff status for Local Lodge 712 IAMAW Members.