IAM Canada News

Major Improvements see 100% Ratification for Sage Parts Contract

22 August, 2019
For immediate release

Toronto – Today the IAM Membership at Sage Parts YYZ ratified its 2nd collective agreement by a 100% margin. Percentages and gains in wages jumped appreciably since they joined the IAM 3 years ago.

“Three years ago, when the workers joined the IAM, we began a fight for $15 campaign with this employer at the bargaining table and was successful in ensuring that no member was making less than that,” said Michael Corrado, General Chair with IAM District 140. “Today we ultimately won the fight for $18 by ensuring that all current IAM Members at Sage Parts YYZ were making $18/hr or higher,” he said.

All pay rates went up significantly and entry rates jumped by close to $2/hr in all departments. The top rates also jumped by $2-$3/hr. The weighted average upon ratification instantly jumped from $17.18/hr to $19.50/hr and is projected to grow to $20.62 after this three-year agreement.

I am very proud to see that most of these members will be making an extra $100/week with retroactivity. We were able to raise the bar by adding things to this CBA that do not exist at other Sage Parts locations in Canada. This will surely help our Sage members at YUL and YVR the next time they are at the table.

“At the end of this new 3-year deal, these members will have seen up to a 52.66% increase in pay since joining the IAM! As we told our members at Sage: ‘It doesn’t cost to belong to the Union, it pays!’” Said Corrado.

The 12 members of Local Lode 2413 consist of drivers, shipper/receivers, parts pros, buyers, administrative assistants and sourcing specialists. Sage Parts provides automotive parts, transmissions, Ford 300 Engines, Diesel engines, tractor parts and wheels and tires to a number of different companies, including Air Canada.

The IAM is the largest union at Pearson International.

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For further information:
Michael Corrado – IAM Transportation District Lodge 140 General Chairperson

Frank Saptel – Communications Representative


This article was originally posted on the IAM Canada website. View the original post here: Major Improvements see 100% Ratification for Sage Parts Contract