
Women’s Equality Day 2024

Women's Equality Day 2024

The continued struggle for women in all areas of society and life is acknowledged and observed on August 26th.

This day commemorates the passage of women’s suffrage in the US and is a reminder of the hurdles that have been overcome by the strong and heroic women who faced, discrimination and violence while fighting to push the women’s movement forward.

In the early 1900s American women could not inherit property, and only made half of the wages that a man earned, to name a few things they were denied. These women began to organize and demand rights and representation.

Several countries- Finland, the United Kingdom, and New Zealand had legalized voting for women as the movement swept around the world.

In the US the 19th Amendment to the Constitution was first introduced in 1878 but did not pass. It wasn’t until the incredible involvement of women in World War One that their contributions finally gained enough support for the women’s suffrage movement. Women’s rights groups pointed out the hypocrisy of fighting for democracy in Europe while denying those same rights to their citizens at home.

This fight is ongoing, the wage gap between men and women still exists, and gender-based discrimination is still plaguing workplaces and affecting business transactions.



Source: WOMEN’S EQUALITY DAY – August 26, 2024 – National Today

A Little History of the Women's Rights Journey

In 1916 the first Birth Control Clinic opened which led to Planned Parenthood 

In 1920 women were given the right to vote when the US Congress adopted the 19th Amendment.

In 1955- Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man on the bus which helped launch the civil rights movement.

In 1973-A historic decision by the US Supreme Court allowing women the constitutional right to abortion in the Roe V Wade Case (which was overturned in 2022 and this right taken away in many states within the USA)

In 2021- Kamala Harris was sworn in as the first woman and first woman of colour vice president of the United States of America.

It is amazing how far society has defied the odds and oppression, but we still have a long way to go.

18 countries- husbands can legally prevent their wives from working

39 countries- sons and daughters do not share equal inheritance rights

1 in 5- women and girls have experienced physical and/or sexual abuse by a partner

23.7% the amount of women representation in national parliaments.

We need to keep uplifting an empowering the women around us!