Machinists win lengthy arbitration at Flin Flon
Flin Flon, MB – An arbitration concerning a job evaluation case for some members of IAM Local Lodge 1848 employed by Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Company Limited (HUDBay) at Flin Flon, has been awarded in favour of the union.
Under the terms of the collective agreement, if the employer and the Union fail to reach agreement upon any job descriptions, classification or assignment to job classifications through the procedure in the Co-operative Wage Study (CWS) manual, it can be referred to arbitration
Arbitrator Michael Werier decided that Machinists and Pipefitters employed by HUDBAY named in the award should move up one job classification with appropriate increase in pay. Tire Technician was a new job classification, which the company and the Union could not agree to. As such this was included in the arbitration process. IAM Grand Lodge Representative Tony Didoshak and IAM Chief of Staff Gord Falconer presented the case on behalf of the union to the arbitrator.
The arbitrator also decided that wage increases for these classifications be retroactive to June 17, 2013, the date the grievance on this issue was filed. “This was a long and involved process but our members are quite happy with the outcome,” said Didoshak. “We pride ourselves in the service we provide to our members and this is a case in point.”