
IAM 130 years Proud.

Dear Machinists Union Family and Friends,
Today marks the 130th anniversary of the founding of our great union. We have come a long way since 19 machinists met in secret to begin this journey. It is a testament to our membership that we have grown into one of the most powerful voices for working people the world has ever seen.
When I look back at our past, it makes me even more hopeful about our future. Throughout our history, we have joined together and spoken with one voice to win monumental victories for human, civil and workers’ rights. Today I see working people—union and non-union—rising up and demanding a better life for our families and our communities.
In our own union, I see our members becoming more aggressive and standing up to companies and politicians that attack our way of life. Our union is growing again because word is spreading that there is no one better to have on your side than the men and women of the Machinists Union. The products we make and the services we provide continue to be on the cutting edge of technology and of the highest quality.
We have a lot to be proud of—and a lot to look forward to in the years ahead. Congratulations, Machinists. I can’t wait to see where our next chapter takes us.
In solidarity,
Bob Martinez, International President