
IAM dedicated to the education of our members

Thank you to the members of IAM Local 1922 for providing me with the opportunity to attend the November 2018 session of Leadership I at the IAM’s Education and Technology Center in Hollywood, Maryland.

The week-long course was a tremendous and unparalleled learning experience in which I was able to meet, share, collaborate, and build friendships with a diverse cadre of IAM members from across Canada and the US.

The Winpisinger Center, and our dedication to hands-on labour education, is what makes us unique as a union. The learning opportunity offered to our members at the center, to explore how to best fight for dignity and economic and social justice, gives us the power we need as unionists to effect positive change in our communities.

I only hope that I can do right by my fellow members in bringing back what I’ve learned to my Local and workplace”. Stephen Michalowicz
The IAM is the only Union education centre in North America dedicated to the education of its own members.