IAM Canada News

PIREC Members Join IAM

For immediate release
29 November, 2019

Ottawa, ON – Members of the Professional Institute Regional Employee Council (PIREC) have joined the IAM and the ranks of staff of unions joining the IAM.

The 35 staff work for the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) across Canada. The new members are well-grounded in labour law and represent the more than 60,000 members of PIPSC.

A new IAM charter has been granted and the group will be known as PIREC Local 907. Bargaining preparation is already scheduled at the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Centre for mid-December.

“We aren’t waiting,” said Scott Jackson, Grand Lodge Representative assigned to Organising, “we are already in bargaining preparation. Our newest members did their due diligence and looked far and wide for a good fit and finally chose the IAM as the union to represent them.”

Like many of the staff union groups joining the IAM in recent years, PIREC members wanted an independent party to represent them and the IAM will do just that.

The IAM has become the new home for several groups of business representatives from other unions across Canada – UFCW, Canadian Labour Congress, Nova Scotia Government Employees,  and the IBEW in Sudbury.

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Scott Jackson, Grand Lodge Representative


This article was originally posted on the IAM Canada website. View the original post here: PIREC Members Join IAM