IAM Canada News

New District Lodge 140 General Chair Person Training at W3

January 20, 2019- Newly elected General Chairpersons are starting the year off with a turbocharged training. A week long orientation session at the W3 Winpisinger Center was organized by the Canadian Territory and District Lodge 140 to assist new GCs to learn about their roles, responsibilities, processes and all that the job entails. The training was led by Grand Lodge Representative Heather Kelly and Chief of Staff Gordon Falconer.

“It was important to offer this training to make sure that the work of the union gets done, and member representation is consistent as we experience a major transition in our district,” said Fred Hospes, President of DL 140.

“Our main goal is to service our members, but our duty is also to show new GCs that we are here for them as an organization. When they succeed in their roles, we succeed as an organization.” said Gord Falconer.

A number of topics were covered, such as IAM policies, procedures, human rights, effective writing, pensions, mentoring, as well as, labour law and the grievance procedure.

One participant commented about how appreciative he is, saying, “this is really helpful, I didn’t think I’d get this kind of help.” It’s also been an opportunity to share knowledge, experiences and discuss common issues.


This article was originally posted on the IAM Canada website. View the original post here: New District Lodge 140 General Chair Person Training at W3