IAM Canada News

Overwhelming Support for New Contract at Thorncliffe Place Retirement Home

19 October, 2020
For immediate release

Nepean, ON – IAM Local 1295 working for Thorncliffe Place Retirement Home voted overwhelming to accept a new multi-year deal. The ratification vote was held late last week.

“This contract has many language improvements that better fits members’ needs such as shift bidding, layoff and recall language and recall rights,” said Jim Snider, Business Representative for IAM District 78. “The Bargaining Committee worked through the pandemic and put forward a contract proposal the members could get behind.”

Highlights of the new agreement are:

  • A wage increases of 11% over the life of the collective agreement.
  • Pension increase
  • Uniform allowance increase.
  • When an employer requests a member to submit a Functional Abilities Form (FAF), the employer will pay.

“This is a good contract for the members at Thorncliffe. They work hard and have risen to the challenges that have been placed on them this year. They stuck together and this contract reflects that,” said Snider.

The 39 members consist of Personal Care Workers, Registered Practical Nurses, Servers, Housekeeping, Kitchen and Maintenance personnel and receptionists. The IAM represents workers at Retirement homes in Nepean, North Bay, Orleans, Bowmanville, Toronto and Stratford.

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For more information:
Jim Snider, Business Representative, IAM DL 78

Frank Saptel, Communications Representative, IAM Canada


This article was originally posted on the IAM Canada website. View the original post here: Overwhelming Support for New Contract at Thorncliffe Place Retirement Home