IAM Canada News

The IAM Committee on the Future meets in Toronto area

IAM Canadian members again met to share their ideas on the future of the IAM. Around 50 Toronto and southern Ontario locals attended and provided input about various aspects of the IAM – from shared identity, diversity and representation to structure, and how to grow the union. The meetings were held at LL2323 and DL78 offices.

Meetings were previously held in Winnipeg and Montreal and the North America-wide consultations with members is proving to be a melting pot of innovative suggestions and keen insights into the union. The goal of these Committee on the Future (COTF) meetings was to build on Resolution 1, passed during the 40th IAM Grand Lodge Convention in 2022.

Richie Johnsen, General Vice-President for the Transportation territory opened the meeting with a few remarks. “I hope the IAM can evolve into an organisation everyone can relate to – our members, as well as those who are looking to join us. We must evolve or go extinct. The idea of the Committee and getting feedback from our membership and then trying to apply some of those things is the foundation.”



Members attending were vocal in their concerns, as well as articulate in their visions for the future of the IAM.

Pascale Forrester, LL2323 Women’s Committee member and activist, observed, “My union of the future is a place of true inclusivity. That’s what I’d like to see happen, starting immediately!”




Francis Fernandes, President of Local 2413 attended to provide his insights on effective, meaningful and systemic dialogue with members. “Building a strong union only happens when we all work together for a common purpose. And that only happens if we have effective communication. In fact, this is one of the top issues raised by members.



David Chartrand, IAM Canada General Vice-President, who has been present at COTF meetings outside of Canada, said, “This is one of the most important initiatives the IAM has undertaken. The input and ideas our members give us will help forge our future. We know that work is changing, workplaces are changing and our members look and think very differently from 25 years ago when we conducted the Blue-Ribbon Commission. We all recognise the need for change. The Committee on the Future may be the path forward for the next 25 years. We’re ready for that challenge!”

The COTF members, who equally represent the Local, District, Territorial, and Grand Lodge levels of our union, have been travelling to locals and districts across North America to hear from the membership and document their suggestions and concerns.

The Committee on the Future will meet with the IAM Executive Council early in 2024 and report to the 41st IAM Grand Lodge Convention with a full report of their findings and any recommendations for change.

Upcoming meetings in Canada are in Vancouver, Halifax and Edmonton. Details are found hereCOTF Website


This article was originally posted on the IAM Canada website. View the original post here: The IAM Committee on the Future meets in Toronto area