IAM Canada News

Another 100 percent win for IAM members

Photo – Maurice Shyntak – Lead Hand, Shop Steward, Bargaining Committee representative, 28+ years with the company, and has been with the union for over 25 years since the members joined the IAM on May 27th 1993.
Brian Alguire – Lead Hand, Union Steward, Bargaining Committee Repressive, 20+ Years with both the Company and the IAM.

On Monday August 26th and Tuesday August 27th, the IAMAW Bargaining Committee at Bearskin Airlines Ramp and Groomers held information sessions and ratification votes in Thunder Bay and Sioux Lookout.

The Bearskin Ramp and Groomers at Thunder Bay (YQT) and Sioux Lookout (YXL) voted 100% to accept the contract. “We are winning the fight for $15 and Fairness at the bargaining tables and refuse to accept anything less,” said Mike Corrado, General Chairperson for IAM District 140, “and this is the second 100% ratification vote in one week,” he said. Last week, Sage Parts voted unanimously on their contract.

Highlights of the new 3-year deal are as follows:

  • Payroll changed from twice per month to every 2 weeks, something the group has been fighting for since they joined the IAM in the 1990s
  • Standardized probationary period for Full- and Part-Time employees
  • Improved language pertaining to promotions
  • Time bank for overtime work increased to 70 hours. Members now have additional opportunities to take paid time off work and especially useful to new members who have yet to accrue vacation until they have completed their 1st year)
  • Introduction of generous meal allowances for those working away from base.
  • Language added to adequately address payroll errors
  • Improved Bereavement Leave which allows for paid time off for the bereavement of some extended family. Also, unpaid time off for funeral of friend or acquaintance
  • Introduction of accumulation for unused sick time to a max of 80 hours
  • Increased retirement plan contributions. Company will now match up to 5% (Max contribution used to be 4%)
  • Family Day added as a General/Statutory Holiday
  • Introduction of shorts and short-sleeved shirts as part of supplied uniform
  • Increase in the Boot Allowance from $115/year to $125/year
  • Increase to YQT (Thunder Bay) Lead Premium
  • Significant increase to wage scales which lifts the starting rates: starting rates immediately increase by 6.75% and an additional 1.5% in years 2 and 3. Top rates immediately increase by 3% and an additional 1.5% in years 2 and 3. This will put members with 5 years of service near the $22/hr mark by the end of this 3-year deal
  • Northern allowance for members in Sioux Lookout added to hourly rate which provides for increased wages and more money in our members pockets
  • Signing bonuses to all employees

The IAM Members are happy with the many gains that we have been trying to bargain over the years and have now been successful in accomplishing. “Persistence pays off and if at first you don’t succeed, try, try, and try again and never take no for an answer,” said Corrado.

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For further information:
Michael Corrado – IAM Transportation District Lodge 140 General Chairperson


This article was originally posted on the IAM Canada website. View the original post here: Another 100 percent win for IAM members