IAM Canada News

New contract, new gains for IAM LL1722 at Strongco

23 November, 2022

Edmonton, AB – IAM Local 1722 members in Edmonton concluded a new three-year deal with Strongco Equipment. The new contract brings with it a 4% wage increase in the first year and 3% and 2% in the final two years.

“With Strongco the negotiations went very well, over just 3 days we collaborated and negotiated a strong and fair contract for our members with great input and foresight from the committee on what were the most important issues for the members,” said Victor Quintanilla, Business Representative for IAM District 14.

Bargaining Committee members consisted of Victor Quintanilla BR, Paul Chandler interim BR, John Fisher, Tom Gordon and Patrick Watson.

Some of the highlights of the new agreement are:

  • vision care coverage increases to $450.00 from $350.00
  • children’s vision care increases to $$300.00 from $200.00
  • Apprenticeship amount covered is now $1600.00 from the previous $1400.00

The 75 members consist of mechanics (shop, field and residents), apprentice mechanics, labourers, drivers, shipper receivers, and warehouse and parts department personnel employed at six Strongco locations in Alberta.

Strongco sells; rents and services equipment used in the construction, infrastructure, mining, oil and gas, utilities, waste management and forestry sectors.

The IAM, among the largest industrial trade unions in North America, represents more than 700,000 active and retired members, and administers more than 5,000 contracts in transportation, woodworking, aerospace, manufacturing, healthcare and defense related industries.


For more information:
Victor Quintanilla (vquintanilla@iamdl14.org)
Business Representative, IAM District 14

Frank Saptel (fsaptel@iamaw.org)
IAM Canada Communications


This article was originally posted on the IAM Canada website. View the original post here: New contract, new gains for IAM LL1722 at Strongco