Making progress on gender equality – Valliere attends UNCSW67
Earlier this month a delegation of Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) affiliates attended the United Nations 67th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67) from 6-17 March, 2023 in New York City. The theme of the meeting was Innovation and Technological Change: Education in the Digital Age – Progress toward Gender Equality.
During the week there were many side panel discussions which took place. A great opportunity for labour, along with other women from around the world to have a conversation about gender, technology and the future of work.
“What a privilege to be part of a great panel of strong labour women from all over Canada and the world,” said IAM Special Representative Kim Valliere, who took part in a panel discussion along with other CLC sisters. “We focused on the impact on jobs in the era of increasing automation, the shortage of skilled trade workers, and focusing specifically on the lack of women in the trades. It’s an ongoing challenge and we had some excellent discussions.”
The panel also explored the role unions can play in advancing gender equality through organizing, collective bargaining and political action.
For more information:
Kim Valliere
Special Representative, IAM Canada
This article was originally posted on the IAM Canada website. View the original post here: Making progress on gender equality – Valliere attends UNCSW67