IAM District 78 NewsPhotos

District 78 Holds December General Meeting, Followed by Celebratory Social

On Thursday, December 12, 2019, IAM District Lodge 78 held its December General Meeting, followed by a social to celebrate the holidays and to cap another successful year of organizing, political action, and fighting for workers’ rights.

Discussion and motions at the meeting included:

  • Upcoming Stewards Training (dates to be confirmed).
  • Setting up a committee to investigate establishing a District 78 bursary for post-secondary students.
  • IAM Canadian Women’s Conference on October 4-9, 2020. (Sisters are encouraged to get involved through their local women’s committees and are being asked for conference ideas.)
  • Initiatives from Local Lodge Women’s Committees, including Local 2113’s charity bake sale and collection for the holiday food drive, and Local 1231’s feminine hygiene product collection for women in need.
  • The impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at our workplaces. (For instance, at Magellan Aerospace the Security Guards have been given notice as a result of the implementation of AI.)
  • Review of monthly District financials.

Next General Meeting: January 9, 2020

Mark your calendar!

Our next District 78 General Meeting is on:

Thursday, January 9, 2020
6:30 p.m.
IAM District 78 Office
557 Dixon Road, Toronto

Please remember that as a result of our recent bylaw changes we now have General Meetings every other month (excluding July and August). See the full calendar of upcoming meeting dates.

Participation at YOUR District Lodge meetings is essential to ensuring a healthy and active IAM.

See you there.
