COPE StrikeIAM District 78 News

Take Action to Support IAM Members at COPE Ontario on Strike

It’s been one week since IAM District 78 and Local 1922 members at COPE Ontario walked off the job.

It’s only been a few days, but already these members have built incredible support within the Labour movement.

OPSEU, Unifor, and Steelworkers, to name a few unions, have joined our pickets and written letters in solidarity.

These IAM members “are in it for the duration and are determined to be treated fairly,” says District 78 Business Representative Jim Snider.

How to Take Action in Solidarity

Sign the Petition. Send a Message to COPE Management.

Send a message to COPE management. Tell them to get back to the bargaining table and settle this strike immediately with a fair contract.

Join Our Picket on October 10

On Thursday, October 10, 2019, a picket will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the OSSTF office at 60 Mobile Drive in North York. Attend if you can!